วันอังคารที่ 30 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Week 9: Reading - Local newspaper editors raise new fears after Leveson

Local newspaper editors raise new fears after Leveson

     The world has been developed into the internet society. Everything was been changed on the electronics. The newspaper also changes, too. However, there are many newspapers that still publish the news in the original form.
Local newspapers were fighting for their very lives even before Lord Leveson set out his recommendations for press regulation in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal. Although, there are down of selling, they still believe that the local newspaper is vital partner of community. Lord Leveson said, "Their demise would be a huge setback for communities [where they report on local politics, occurrences in the local courts, local sports and the like] and would be a real loss to our democracy."
To sum up, although; electrics medias have been influenced to new generation, the old thing still have valuable to continues like local newspaper. Leveson believes it is the heart partner of local lifestyle.

scandal (n.)
Ex. it’s a scandal that many older patients are dismissed as untreatable.
inquiry (n.)
Ex. Thank you very much if the shipment has already been made and please disregard this inquiry.
counterpart (n.)

Ex. The minister held talks with his French counterpart.
unintended (adj.)
Ex. The unintended consequences of people’s actions.
demise (v.)
Ex. the manor and the mill were demised for twenty-one-year terms.


I think, the modern lifestyle brings people in the comfortable and speed on live. But the original form continues to be an important role local papers that still play at the heart of their communities.

